Ну для начала.
1.Посмотри в telnet.properties всё что там прописано,не закоментировано ли чего лишнего.
2.В самой Админке option.php всё связаное правильно.
# Telnet access Configuration
$server_ip="";//this ip is using in telnet connections.
$game_port="7777";//no need to change it.
$auth_port="2106";//no need to change it.
$telnet_port="12345";//must be the same as StatusPort in configtelnet.properties file of your server
$telnet_pass="bkakalablabla";//must be the same as StatusPW in configtelnet.properties file of your server.
#Telnet is disabled by default.
EnableTelnet = true
#This is the port telnet server will bind to
StatusPort = 12345
#If the following is not set, a random password is generated on server startup.
StatusPW = blablabla
#This list can contain IPs or Hosts of clients you wish to allow.
#Hosts must be resolvable to an IP.
#The format is as follows:
#ListOfHosts =,host,,host2,host3,host4,
#Make sure there are no spaces between hosts/ips
ListOfHosts =,localhost
Так у меня работает под Виндой.
По поваду доступа.
# Configure GM AccessLevels
GMAccessLevel = 400
GMMinLevel = 400
GMCanAnnounce = 100
GMCanBan = 400
GMCanBanChat = 100
GMCanShop = 100
GMCanDelete = 300
GMCanKick = 300
GMMenu = 100
GMGodMode = 400
GMCanEditChar = 400
GMCanViewChar = 400
GMCanEditNPC = 300
GMCanViewNPC = 400
GMCanTeleport = 100
GMCanRestart = 400
GMMonsterRace = 400
GMRider = 100
GMFastUnstuck = 100
GMResurectFixed = 400
GMUseForth = 400
GMDoor = 400
GMRes = 100
GMPeaceAttack = 100
GMHeal = 100
GMUnblock = 100
GMEnchant = 400
# Access configuration - PAGES
$l2jz_access['inventory']['main']=300;//access to veiw chars and clans inventory
# Access configuration - ACTIONS
Всё работает.