что в ней есть:
What is working:
- U Can Learn Fishing skills in Fisherman
- U Can Learn Expandet Skills in Fisherman
- U can fishing (fish fight)
- U Can caught a Fish
- U can open a Fish item (reward are set in SQL - based on L2WH)
- Full working Fishing skills (dmg is not 100% corect to retail - but u can correct it in xml)
- Skill Lvl Penatly is working
- Newbie Fishing is Working (u can learn how to fish using lure for beginiers)
- When u dont Caught a Fish Some Monster can be Spawned
- U Cant fish every where - u must be near water (*Note GM can fish evrywhere)
- Rod Grade bonus are working
- Fishing Shots are working
- and many others things not write here
What is not working:
- U can Fish on land (only near water - L2j dont have Geo Data)
- Fish resisted are not working
- Mayby u can do smth that u shouldnt while fishing
What u should do to get this working?
- copy *.java files
- apply patch
- do some changes to fisherman html:
"Please teach me to fish."
- instal Sql files
- in sql etcitem set item type to "lure" for all lures
- in slq npc set type to "L2PenaltyMonster" for 13245 - 13245
- dont forget to add this to u server.propertis:
ALLOWFISHING=True - else only GM can Fishing
If u found some bugs pless tell me about it