Here it is! Everyone thank SubSonic for hosting it for us. If we see the link popping up elsewhere, we will kill the download, fyi. So keep it here please, thanks!
Port: 21
Username: pprelease
Password: p23s87jx
Mirror 1 = (thx to tespio!!)
Mirror 2 = (Dedicated Server in Madrid (SPAIN - Espanix) 100Mbps))
Mirror 3 = (thx to lamnh81!!)
Mirror 4 = (thx to lamnh81!!)
Mirror 5 = (thx to lamnh81!!)
Scripts Only :
Password for the file is:
It was a grueling week because most of us had real life things to tend to, and we all did this when we had the time to spare. I'm tired and worn out as well, lol. There may be a few issues in the pack, but for the most part, it should give you any major issues. Also, there were tons of you that contributed to the pack that I don't remember (some of them were quick conversations in irc). So I'm apologizing to anyone whose name I left out in the credits. If you could PM me or catch me in irc, I'll make the corrections and make sure you get credit in the next pack. I also could not include some of the contributions because it would further delay the pack. Thanks everyone!
This pack is free since it was a collected effort from all of the stuff posted here on Post Pacific. I will be posting an updated contribution list of those who sent them in. I just wanted to thank everyone for donating to the pack, and every piece of info was greatly appreciated!
Community Pack Access
Since the project is now closed due to sufficient contributions, we won't be accepting any info right now (or else we'll never get it done ). If you want to contribute, then it'll be included in the next release.
Post Pacific L2 Community Pack Release
Here's a list of what's done and should be included (granted there aren't any issues with distribution).
- Setup guide with pictures -
100% done (Could not contact Raniia - Credit is given in readme file.)
- Complete vehicledata with leisure boat and rune boat -
100% done - (Cannot correct pathing error for Rune Boat. Not a big deal since there's nothing in the C4 areas. Commenting out the Rune Boat for now.)
- Complete multisell with newbie exchange, 7signs, dyes, seals, sa, sabcdng grade items -
100% done (Done. Basic, but done. )
- Complete C3 skillacquire as from -
100% done (Done.)
- Complete C3 skilldata -
100% done (Done.)
- Complete C3 doordata -
100% done (Done.)
- Complete C3 petdata -
100% done (Done.)
- Complete C3 areadata -
100% done (Done.)
- Complete C3 castledata -
100% done (Traps are commented out for now. Aden works though. )
- Complete C3 itemdata, c4 headgear, wedding, pledge cap, carol, echo crystals, archer fix, C3 compliant -
100% done (Done.)
- Ai.obj with standard quests, fixed valkon, sophia, gustaf and others -
100% done (Done.)
- Complete C3 recipe -
100% done (Done.)
- Complete C3 x1 npcdata -
100% done (Done.)
- Working Char select, Weapon Glow, Dusk/Dawn Moon, //ride, +4 Max Enchants, Help.htm crash protect, Max level 80, FULL AVE Effects, All 10 hotkey slots working -
100% done (Done. Decided not to include Dawn/Dusk since it's useless - better for stability. 10th hotkey bar not functioning - no full hex code. //ride is also having issues - not included for now.)